
Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hello Everyone!
Welcome to our class blog.  Later this week I will be updating the tabs on here for you to check out.  I will also be sending home a class party list for you to sign up to volunteer.  I want to make sure everyone is receiving the feed for this.  Please email me a quick note at and let me know that you have subscribed.  I'm looking forward to working with your child this year, and it was so great to meet everyone that came to open house.  I can tell it's going to be a wonderful year! 

These first few days I will be assessing the students to determine where to begin with each one.  We will be discussing our class routines, the letter "I", shapes, colors, numbers, and our memory verse.


1 comment:

  1. Jonah had a great time today! He got in the car and said, "Mom! That was GREAT!" When I asked him all about his day, the only thing he could remember was how to get a prize from the Treasure Box. Ha! I guess he's got his priorities, huh? :) Please let me know when and how I can help in anyway. I'd love to!
